We all knew it and felt it but now it is official, this has been the hottest summer on record, locally and worldwide. Congratulations to all in Arizona that have been able to weather the storm. With this heat it has presented ABF with new challenges as well as compounding existing ones.

The families being impacted with burns this summer have increased because of heat related injuries with the record-breaking temperatures. We have relied much more on your support to serve these families during this difficult summer.

You as donors have answered the call year after year supporting the burn community and we appreciate all you do. When the trauma of burn happens, it is important for ABF to be able to meet with the families and burn survivors early to help them navigate their new reality in a positive manner.

With your generosity we are able from the beginning to offer what they really need most, HOPE.  Without hope it is challenging for families to see a successful outcome.  Without hope, it will lead to depression and a sense of dread that will hinder the emotional and physical well-being of the patient and the family.

So, as you are considering your next gift, please know it is not only writing that check or going online to make that donation.  It is not just a transaction to the burn community; it is hope that you are delivering.

I encourage you for those that have made a gift recently or if you plan to soon to take a moment and look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, “I am making an impact and making hope possible.”

I ask you to do that and take a selfie while you say it and send it over telling how you feel making that impact and how when you said it you were able to see yourself smile with a sense of pride that you are making that difference.

Stay safe, stay hydrated, have a great September, and I look forward to talking to you soon.