You will provide burn prevention and fire safety education through any of our signature programs. You will impact communities to bring about positive and proactive change that saves lives!
You will share the message of burn prevention and fire safety education by being part of a community and health fairs around the state. Do you want to be one of our valued community partners? Contact us at the link below to be at your event today!
A working smoke alarm is the difference between life or death for a vulnerable resident. Our Community Smoke Alarm Program, in partnership with local fire departments, volunteers, and the American Red Cross, provides 10-year, battery sealed, dual-sensor smoke alarms to low-income and high-risk neighborhoods. You will educate residents on the importance of home fire-escape plans and fire safety to give them precious time to get out safely!
You can help stop burn and scald injuries through teaching Milo & Moxie: Smart Safety Rangers™, our kid-friendly burn prevention and fire safety education. According to SafeKids Worldwide, fire and burn injuries among children resulted in 320 deaths, 7,211 hospitalizations, and 91,635 ER visits. Children 4 and under are the most vulnerable group for burn and scald injuries. Here are some ways for you to get involved with our Milo & Moxie: Smart Safety Rangers™ .