March 11, 2025
CEO Corner March 2025
Dear ABF Supporters,
I recently had the privilege of spending time with some of our young burn survivors and their families at our newest camp, Camp Cousteau in Loreto, Mexico.
One evening at dinner, I was deeply moved by a conversation with one of the survivor’s fathers. He shared how special this time away with his daughter had been. It was the first time since her accident that they truly had an opportunity to bond and understand the journey each of them had been on.
When a burn injury occurs, everyone responds differently. It is challenging for all involved to navigate their emotions during the recovery process and to understand what the other person needs.
That is why ABF’s Thrive Programs, which provide emotional support to burn survivors and their families, are so critical as they move from surviving to thriving. In this stage of the Continuum of Care Model, ABF offers social gatherings where organic peer-to-peer support can take place. Camp Cousteau is just one of several camps, retreats and social gatherings that ABF offers to people of all ages.
When thinking of ABF and the survivors we support, it is common to think of the initial injury, time in the hospital, and rehab. However, it is critical to ABF that we consider everything that comes after. As our efforts in Arizona continue to expand, more and more people are approaching me, saying that their real healing began once they found ABF, even if the injury happened decades ago.
It is conversations like the one in Loreto that remind me daily of just how important our work is. Thank you for joining us in our mission to improve the lives of burn survivors and their families, while providing burn prevention advocacy and education.
P.S. A special thank you to our generous Camp Cousteau sponsors, BrewerWood Law Firm, Visit Baja California Sur, Loreto City Council and Arizona Lodging & Tourism Association for making this camp possible