Burns are life-changing, you are life-giving. Burn treatment and recovery takes a community. Your gift ensures that families stay together and have a home-away-from-home as they navigate through their hospital stay. Your support provides a healing continuum of emotional support, social connections, resources, supportive therapies, and self-confidence. It provides development programs and therapeutic support to help those who’ve encountered the devastating effects of burn injuries. Our burn survivor families need you. By donating toward ABF, you bring about opportunities for emotional support, connection with groups, peer mentors, financial assistance in times of great need, and so much more! You as an ABF donor have an opportunity to walk alongside those who have suffered burn trauma and help them realize that they are NEVER alone. Your support helps us affect greater healing and impact more lives. Burn and fire safety starts with prevention and education. Every day, your gift impacts communities that bring about positive and proactive change to saves lives through our two signature programs, Milo & Moxie Smart Safety Rangers and Community Smoke Alarm Events. And THAT is something worth supporting!