Recent Posts

September 17, 2020

Return to Hospital Visits

We are excited to announce that with decreases in numbers of COVID 19 positive cases throughout Arizona, visitation is starting to return to our local hospitals again!  Not only does this allow family members to be screened to visit their loved ones during designated hospital visiting hours, but our Arizona Burn Foundation social workers will […]

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August 24, 2020


Arizona Burn Foundation is holding our very first “Cook Like a Firefighter Competition”! We have invited fire departments all across Arizona to share a short video, demonstrating how to make their favorite recipe! Take a moment to watch the videos, vote and donate for your favorite, and support our state’s first responders! The station with […]

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August 18, 2020 to New Heights in a Slightly Different Direction

For the past 4 years, the Arizona Burn Foundation has assisted in training numerous survivors as S.O.A.R. peer supporters, to visit the hospital to connect with new burn survivors and their families. S.O.A.R. stands for Survivors Offering Assistance in Recovery®, and is a reputable burn support program offered through the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors. […]

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July 30, 2020

Give Through Amazon Smiles

Good news! AmazonSmile is now available in the Amazon Shopping app on iOS and Android mobile phones AmazonSmile customers can now support Arizona Burn Foundation in the Amazon shopping app! Follow these simple instructions to get ready for Amazon Prime! 1. Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device 2. Go into the main menu […]

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July 27, 2020

Join us for the 2020 Festival of Trees

FOT Save the Date 2020

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June 17, 2020

Burn Survivor Artists

Attention All Burn Survivor Artists No matter where you are in your healing process, ABF is honored to walk alongside you in your journey . We are creating a 2021 Burn Survivor Stationary with artwork designed by burn survivors. We are asking our survivor community to please submit your artwork or a photo of your […]

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June 17, 2020

Camp Courage 2020

Thrive. Camp Courage 2020 Earlier this month we held Virtual Camp Courage 2020 and it was a great success! Campers participated in virtual music therapy, expressive arts, and even a game day with a special visit from Captain America and Spiderman. We are looking forward to hosting a virtual movie night and a virtual dance […]

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June 17, 2020

June Survivor Update

Survivor Update Burn healing amidst the current pandemic has looked a lot different for many of our burn survivors. Loss of visitors, increased protocols and procedures in hospitals and rehabilitation and follow ups, and high emotions all around have been quite common. In times such as these, working as a community of support to meet the […]

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June 17, 2020

New Therapies

Survive. Virtual Music and Expressive Art Therapy Arizona Burn Foundation is excited to announce the start of our virtual music therapy and virtual expressive arts classes! A certified music therapist guides participants though music based activities that encourage self-expression through sound and dance. In the expressive arts class, participants engage in various creative activities that […]

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June 17, 2020

Burn Education

Burn Education Milo & Moxie are going virtual! Starting in July, we will release a new Milo & Moxie fire safety and burn prevention video every Tuesday. These videos will give children and parents specific safety tips that will help them be safe in every room of the house. Sit down with your family every Tuesday […]

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