Category: survivor

July 3, 2023

Camp Hope is Coming

Are you an adult burn survivor? If so, you’re invited to Camp Hope! Camp Hope is designed for adult burn survivors (18+) to have a weekend focused on their personal well-being, confidence, and self-empowerment in a safe, understanding environment. There will be sessions regarding confidence, physical recovery, mental health, and addressing triggers. It will take […]

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July 3, 2023

Camper of the Year 2022

Every year at Camp Courage one camper and counselor are nominated to attend the International Burn Camp in Washington DC. in 2022 Jeremy was nominated to attend that year’s international camp along with Jeff as his counselor partner. A year later at Camp Courage 2023 Jeremy came back and was excited to share his experience […]

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June 22, 2023

From the Ashes: Jason Nelson’s Journey

*Disclaimer: The content you are about to see contains some graphic images. Summary: Jason Nelson, shares his story of a life-changing accident with fire. On February 9, 2014, Jason was in a rental house he owned, replacing carpet and painting. He took a cigarette break in the garage, but when he lit the cigarette, there was […]

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June 20, 2023

A Message of Thanks

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support and assistance you have provided me since my release from the hospital and even before. Your organization has been an invaluable support system for me and my family, going above and beyond to lend a helping […]

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May 31, 2023

Camp Courage is Here!

Camp Courage starts this weekend and we are absolutely thrilled to welcome our campers back this year! Camp Courage is an extraordinary therapeutic camp designed exclusively for burn survivors aged 6 to 20 in beautiful Prescott, AZ. It is a week filled with unforgettable experiences, exciting adventures, and lifelong friendships. Best of all, our dedicated […]

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May 25, 2023

Coping with Guilt After a Burn Injury

When a loved one is injured in a fire, it can be a traumatic experience for everyone involved. In addition to the physical and emotional pain that the burn survivor is experiencing, their family and friends may also feel a sense of guilt. This guilt can be overwhelming and can make it difficult to cope […]

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May 2, 2023

The Most Magical Camp On Earth

Camp Courage is only one month away and we are counting the days! This year’s Camp Courage theme is “Disney – The Most Magical Camp on Earth” and our team of volunteers are actively prepping all of the details to ensure it is truly a magical week for our young burn survivors. If you are […]

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May 2, 2023

A Helping Hand

Michylle spent over three weeks in the burn center, recovering from her scald burn. When she was finally able to return home, she was concerned about how she would pay her rent and her phone bill, two very important payments! When I told her that ABF would cover those bills for her, she responded with […]

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April 5, 2023

Finding Support in Your Community

Recently Maylina attended Camp Thrive with her fellow young adult burn survivors. They spent the weekend connecting with each other and other speakers talking about navigating the world as a young adult with burns. How do you navigate romantic relationships with visible scars and just working through your self image during this time in your […]

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April 5, 2023

Young Adults Take Utah

“It was the best trip I’ve ever been to,” said Diana, a young adult burn survivor who attended the Utah Ski Trip a few weeks ago. The Arizona Burn Foundation partnered with University of Utah for the first time to host a ski trip for young adult burn survivors! Arizona and Utah each got to […]

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